Saturday, February 27, 2016

Yellowstone Park Services Sentence Iconic Bison to Death

We've seen it before with the wild mustang horse roundups, the hunting of wolves, coyotes and other predators, black bear hunts and now Yellowstone Park is going to send over 900 bison to slaughter to appease local cattle ranchers. According to the National Park Service website, the operation will run from February 15, until March 2016.
The fight to stop the slaughter has been impeded by the park service closing the bison roundup to the public. Recently one journalist, Chris Ketcham, who has been following this issue for a number of years teamed up with Buffalo Field Campaign,the Animal Legal Defense Fund, a private law firm, Fuller, Sandefer & Associatesand two University of Denver law professors to sue the National Park Service to gain access to the operation for documentation purposes. Unfortunately, on February 5, U.S District Judge Scott Skavdahl denied the request. As animal rights activists gain ground in the protection of animals, the opposition uses their money and muscle to squash rights. We can see this in the multiple ag-gag laws coming into play to hide abuses at factory farms and slaughterhouse, the instigation of the grossly unconstitutional, Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act, and smaller acts like the closing of the bison capture for groups and journalists who want to bear witness.

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