Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Australia's Malcolm Turnbull hits out at UN over Israel

Malcolm Turnbull has defended Israel and criticised the United Nations ahead of a visit to Australia by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Mr Turnbull criticised the UN for adopting 20 resolutions critical of Israel between 2014 and 2015 when only one resolution was issued in response to the Syrian war.

'My government will not support one-sided resolutions criticising Israel of the kind recently adopted by the UN Security Council and we deplore the boycott campaigns designed to delegitimise the Jewish state,' he wrote in an opinion piece published by The Australian on Wednesday.

'At the same time, we recognise that Israel and the Palestinians need to come to a settlement and we support a directly negotiated two-state solution so that Palestinians will have their own state and the people of Israel can be secure within agreed borders.'

- See more at: http://www.skynews.com.au/news/politics/federal/2017/02/22/turnbull-hits-out-at-un-over-israel.html#sthash.cgyNjIVt.dpuf

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