Saturday, March 21, 2020

EARTHQUAKES already spiking UP from RECORD LOW of 3 to 13 in ONLY TWO WEEKS. CYCLE points to MAY.

EARTHQUAKES already spiking UP from RECORD LOW of 3 to 13 in ONLY TWO WEEKS. CYCLE points to MAY 7th as being the next big spike. This is also the time of the "Second Passover"

The Birth pain Contraction cycle you can see in this Graph point to the next gap between spike as being half of 6.5 months which is 3.25 months which brings us to first week of May.

But the first thing we have to look for is the Seven Seals to happen, coupled with a rise in the Earthquakes.

So lets look for these things to come to pass in these next days until early May.

God Bless you all,


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