Wednesday, August 31, 2022

"SHOFTIM" MOSES Creates Government/Church, King of Israel Anointed. (Elul 7/Sep 3)

We study Shoftim. Shoftim down in the Calendar as being the first Sabbath of the Month of Elul (7th), September 3rd. A time where Moses Creates a king of Government to teach the Law of God. Also a King is chosen / Anointed to be King of the Kingdom and over the people of Israel. One from the Descendants of Israel and a Humble man. Someone not to gather many Horses, Wives, or Riches. Kind of reminds me of King David right. But we could really do with these things right now in the End of the Age, on the run up to the first passing of the throne, but also afterwards. To have some structure, as we will be the 144,000 army of God. Would a leader or King over us be needed? we have to just wait and see. Like with everything those is seems that a leader is always needed or made. Thanks for watching God BlessPastor Prophet Justin Roberts -


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