Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Calendar 5th Dec - 5th Feb. 2300 Days Dirty Temple? Hanukkah Feast, Beasts Tag, VESTA Aquarius

27th November - 40 Days until January Moon & Advent.

5th December - FB Ban over haha

7th December - 30 days to January Moon

8th December - FULL MOON

12th December - 2300 days until Passover 2029. Dirty temple beginning? Two Witnesses killed.

OR (45 days later)

26th January 2023 - 2300 days until Passover +45 Days = Armageddon. Dirty Temple prophecy?

15th December - Sun in Golden Gate of Heaven, Ophiuchus, centre of the Heavens.

18th December - Hanukkah Feast starting. Temple took back from Antiochus.

December 18th - My Star VESTA in the middle of Aquarius constellation.
December 18th - 120 Day Tag of the Beast system loosed from me.

December 19th - Sun enters Sagittarius, symbol of the Antichrist.

December 21st - 9th Hebrew Month, 27th Day of that month. Seven year agreement of Daniel

December 25th - Hanukkah finishes

December 27th - 40 days until February Moon

6th January - FULL MOON

26th January 2023 - 2300 days until Passover +45 Days = Armageddon. Dirty Temple prophecy?

31st January - My Star Vesta leaves AQUA constellation.

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